ThermoFisher® Titan™ Themis

60 – 300kV low base Titan® Themis™ with a monochromator, a CEOS probe corrector for Cs aberration corrected STEM and a Quantum 965 Gatan Imaging filter (post column) for EELS analysis
Specifications and Capabilities:
- X-FEG high brightness Schottky FEG capable of higher brightness compared to a traditional S-FEG. Wien filter design monochromator capable of energy resolution ~ 0.3eV at 300kV
- CEOS Probe corrector with DCOR+ software. STEM imaging with sub-angstrom point resolution (0.7Å at 300 kV)
- Single and low-background double Tilt holders. Double tilt holder with both tripod and hexnut style sample holding.
- Fischione® tomography holder available for tomography experiments in TEM/STEM mode.
- 2k x 2k bright field CCD camera. HREM: Acquisition of focal series in parallel beam geometry followed by exit wave reconstruction using TruImage® software possible for high resolution studies.
- Four detectors covering large scattering angle range for imaging in STEM mode (BF (plate), DF2 (annular), DF4(annular) and HAADF (annular)) allowing simultaneous imaging of scattered electrons over a large solid angle range.
- Super-X® EDS technology with four quadrant detectors for ultra-fast EDS data collection through Hypermaps, line-scans and point-scans using Bruker Espirit® software.
- EELS: monochromated/non-monochromated STEM-EELS up to 300kV. Capability of dual EELS mode that can acquire both spectrum image data cubes in STEM mode and EFTEM images in parallel beam geometry. Gatan quantum 965 imaging filter (GIF).
- EDS-EELS: Simultaneous EDS-EELS data collection via Digital Micrograph.
Faculty In-charge: Dr. Surendra Kumar Makineni (Materials Engineering), Dr. Pavan Nukala (CENSE)
ThermoFisher® Tecnai™ F30

300kV Tecnai™ F30 TEM/STEM microscope with a Schottky FEG electron source and super twin objective lens system.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- Schottky FEG source optimized for 300kV operation.
- Parallel beam illumination Bright field (BF) and Dark Field (DF) imaging, Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) analysis, Converged Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) and High resolution imaging (HREM)
- STEM-HAADF imaging using Fischione® HAADF detector. Point resolution ~ 1.2 Angstroms at 300kV
- AMT Nanosprint 500 non retractable 2k x 2k Bright Field CMOS camera EDAX Peltier cooled EDS detector for STEM-EDS data acquisition through area mapping, line-scan and profile-scan via TEAM software.
Faculty In-charge: Dr.Surendra Kumar Makineni (Materials Engineering), Dr. Pavan Nukala (CENSE)
ThermoFisher® Tecnai™ T20-ST

200kV Tecnai™ T20 TEM microscope with a LaB6 electron source and super twin objective lens system.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- LaB6 electron source optimized for 200kV operation.
- Parallel beam illumination Bright field (BF) and Dark Field (DF) imaging, Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) analysis, Converged Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED)
- Precision electron diffraction (PED): NanoMegas® PED controller available that can be used for precession electron diffraction experiments
Faculty In-charge: Dr.Surendra Kumar Makineni (Materials Engineering), Dr. Pavan Nukala (CENSE)