ThermoFisher® Apreo 2S HiVac

Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) that combines high and low-voltage ultra-high resolution capabilities with an electrostatic lens design.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- Voltage: 200 eV to 30 kV, Currents: 1pA to 50 nA.
- Resolution: 0.7 nm at 30 kV (STEM), 0.9 nm at 1 kV.
- Secondary Electron (SE) imaging with a Trinity detection system comprising a lower in-lens detector (T1), an upper in-lens detector (T2), and an in-column detector (T3).
- Back-Scattered-Electron (BSE) imaging with a retractable ultra-sensitive Directional Backscatter (DBS) detector, which is sensitive to emitted electrons from 500 V onwards.
- PivotBeamTM (rocking beam) with functionality for selected area electron channeling contrast imaging.
- Dual Bruker 6|60 EDS detector for qualitative and quantitative X-ray microanalysis.
- Energy Resolution < 129 eV.
- It is incorporated with sixth generation XFlash® detector that provides extremely high throughput rates. Each detector is 30 mm2 area with thirty times faster acquisition than conventional Si(Li detectors).
ThermoFisher® XL-30 ESEM

30 kV Tungsten source environmental SEM for SE/BSE imaging with EDS spectroscopy.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- Tungsten source with variable high tension up to 30kV
- Everhart Thornley (ET) detector for SE imaging and solid-state detector for BSE imaging.
- EDAX® EDS detector for X-ray analysis. Coupled with GENESISTM software
- Environmental imaging ability under 1 Torr to 20 Torr pressure
Faculty In-charge: Sajeev Krishnan, Satyam Suwas

30 kV Tungsten source SEM for SE/BSE imaging with EDS spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) experiments.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- Tungsten source with variable high tension up to 30kV
- Load lock chamber for quick sample exchange and stage navigation system.
- SE/BSE imaging with resolution up to 3 nm (30kV) and 15 nm (1kV) in HV mode and 4 nm (30kV BED) LV mode
- Cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) detector for CL experiments.
- EDAX® EDS detector for X-ray analysis.
ThermoFisher® Helios G4-UX

30 kV FEG source, Everhart Thornley Detector for secondary electron imaging, segmented annular BSE detector with free control over usage of detector quadrants to generate the desired signal, Annular STEM detector, EBSD (EDAX) detector, EDAX EDS detector, MD (Mirror detector), ICE (In-column electron) detector for SE imaging, TLD (Through Lens Detector) for SE imaging
Specifications and Capabilities:
- Elstar® electron column with UC + technology (monochromation) for high-resolution performance in SE, BSE imaging modes at low voltages
- Tomahawk® ion column capable of producing ion beam currents ranging from 0.1nA – 61nA
- Easylift® EX nanomanipulator needle technology that enables lift out of TEM lamellae and atom probe needles from a bulk specimen
- Gold and Platinum (e-beam / ion beam) gas injection system (GIS) enabled depositions available.
- Nav-cam® feature which makes navigation to specific regions of the bulk sample fast and simple along with options for saving multiple positions on the bulk sample.
Faculty In-charge: Satyam Suwas, Chandan Srivastava, Surendra Kumar Makineni