XRadia Verse 500

XRM with micro-computed tomography (CT) with sub-micro voxel resolution.
Specifications and Capabilities:
- X-ray source: High performance sealed transmission source (30-140kV. Maximum power 10W)
- X-ray filters: single filter holder with set of 12 filters provided with low-energy and high energy filters option
- Detector:2K ×2K noise suppressed CCD detector
- Stage: Ultra-high precision, 8 degrees of freedom sample stage
- Three holder types available based on sample geometry: spring clamp, screw clamp and pin vise
- Software: Data acquisition and reconstruction: Scout and Scan control system v12
- Visualization: Thermofisher Avizo® v 9.5
Faculty In-charge: Bikramjit Basu, Satyam Suwas